Today, 22nd April, is Earth Day! This year’s theme is “invest in our planet”. We have recently been investing in our business to help the planet, and we have something very exciting to share with you…

We’re pleased to announce that The Purple Company are now a carbon neutral company!

Since the start of the year we have researched all aspects of the business with no stone left unturned. We have measured all areas that contribute to our green house gas footprint such as our electricity usage, production workshop, transportation of goods, car fleet and company waste, to name a few.

From this initial research we set out a strategic plan to reduce the carbon we can over the coming years, with the aim to reduce our carbon footprint to zero.

We’re also scrutinising our supply chain and the factories used, to reduce in all areas we can. By us adding this pressure to our supply chain, together we can reduce the carbon for the full cycle.

With the emissions we cannot currently reduce, we are using a carbon offsetting scheme. Our chosen scheme is Maísa REDD+ in Brazil.

REDD+ stands for ‘reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, conservation and sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks’.

The Maísa REDD+ project protects an area of the Brazilian Amazon that historically had high rates of deforestation. By increasing the economic value of the standing forest and improving surveillance, the project aims to protect this critical habitat and create better living conditions for the species that inhabit there – the area contains at least 128 species of plants and 350 species of animals.

Over the next years we plan to drive down our own carbon footprint and put extra pressure on our supply chain to try and all reduce carbon together.

Our end goal is to deliver a more sustainable and environmentally friendly range, reducing the carbon used in the production and delivery of our goods.