Did you know that this month is Plastic Free July?

“Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.” – plasticfreejuly.org

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One of the best ways to reduce your use of single use plastic, is to switch to reusable drinkware. Whether it’s a reusable water bottle, or a reusable coffee cup, these simple switches to everyday items make a huge difference. Reusable drinkware is a great branded gift as it shows your company is environmentally conscious, plus they’re a really useful and functional item, meaning your brand will be seen on a daily basis!

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Another way to reduce your single use plastic is to make sure you carry around a reusable bag to stop yourself using plastic ones. The most popular option is a cotton bag – you can fold them up small in your bag or in your car, and they have a huge branding area to make sure your logo is seen. 

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A great alternative to the plastic pen is to go old school – a pencil! We have a wide range of pencil options, including many made from recycled materials. They last a long time and the shavings biodegrade, making them a brilliant eco alternative to a pen, and a budget friendly option too!